We create visual worlds — through photo and video — for companies that want to stand out, to be different, to tell their unique stories


You are character driven

Having images that present your company as compelling, trust-worthy, unique and, most importantly, human allows both clients and investors to truly connect with your brand.

We dive in to your company’s eco-system and create meaningful visuals that showcase not only what you make but who you are and why that matters. By creating a map of not only what you make, but who you are and how you make it, as well as where you donate to, your ecological footprint and your place in your community, we figure out how you stand out from the crowd and leverage that as your biggest asset.

Character Driven is a partnership between award-winning editorial and advertising photographers Chloe Aftel and Antonio De Lucci. With over 16 years of experience in the industry and a deep passion for portraiture, with special attention given to minority groups to make sure they are photographed in an authentic way, we want to know who you are and then figure out how to tell that compelling story.

We make a personal investment in discovering and visually articulating who you are and why people should believe in your brand. We only work with companies we know enrich our work, represent all people and build a sustainable product in a worthwhile way.


Make it bold, like your company’s mission

We are a full service corporate portraiture, branding, video and events company that specializes in capturing diversity and showcasing your company’s best asset: the People and their stories. Why did you create this company? Whom is it for? How does it impact your community and the world at large?

From c-suite level executives to the hard working every day staff, we’re here to create creative and lasting images and stories of your employees. We also assess the visual language of your brand, looking for the things that set you apart and make you memorable.

These pieces can be used for websites, speaking engagements, social media, press, magazine requests and the like. We know how to get the best, most authentic and engaged emotions out of professionals, so the images and videos are not only on brand, but also connect with viewers.


We help you find a roadmap from where you are to where you want to be, allowing your visual worldview and stories to evolve as you do, while staying on brand.


We show the beautiful diversity of who you are

We never wanted to fit in. Seeing things differently is an asset, as is being a different kind of company. Gen Z and Alpha want to invest in a brand, an ethos, a set of values, not a product.

For so long, sadly, company websites have been about smashing all different kinds of people into one mould. The best images happen when you shoot the person for who they are, capturing their real character, bringing out their best side through actual connection and understanding.

We have spent much of our careers focusing on under represented communities and it is that focus on not only seeing, but encouraging, people to be themselves that has allowed our images to stand above the rest.


How you give back speaks to who you are

In our deep dive into your company and your values, we look at who you give to and how you give back. If you don’t have any places you give back to, we can help you figure out what your values are and what non-profits or community organizations best match your mission.

The younger generations want to invest in companies that, in turn, enrich the world around them. When we create content about whom you give to, it also elevates that organization and allows them to flourish with assets they could not normally afford. Everyone wins.

It’s not enough to make something good, we all need to do good.