How do we tell the comprehensive & holistic story of you?


For a company getting ready to go public, we can bring a refined, human, moving motion piece to your story. We help you discover the visual language of your brand and how to have your own unique language. Whatever you create, there’s a way to tell people about it that will explain and inspire.

CASE STUDY - Melinda Gates

We wanted to show a side of Ms. Gates we don’t usually get to see, more intimate, immediate and human. With 10 minutes and 6 security guards, we managed to create an effortless moment with her.


What do you make? How do you make it? What is the cinematic style of your brand and how do you want to communicate your story? We will present your brand in a singular, personal, unexpected way that separates you from the competition.

CASE STUDY - Ben Silbermann

For Mr. Silbermann, we wanted something unexpected. Gels and bokeh allowed us to play around and give him something to respond to, keeping him in the moment and bringing some playfulness to his brand.

CASE STUDY - Partnering With Khan Academy

It’s great if you make something amazing, but we want to build a visual world on why your company is amazing. Who are you? What do you believe in? Why? What are your core values? And why should people invest not only in your product, but your brand? That’s the question we answer in dynamic, unexpected visuals.

CASE STUDY - Reid Hoffman

Mr. Hoffman was doing an interview and we had to find a way to make a corporate office interesting and visually compelling. Windows solves a lot of problems when used well. Mr. Hoffman just had to be himself and let the composition do the rest.